

第一组 评委  黄波 陈曦 李家玉     秘书 黄文娇
时间:2019年5月22日下午14:00-21:50      地点:翡四教205
1钱慧芳英语语言文学张浩A Spatial Interpretation of Power Themes in Shakespeare’s Histories- “King Henry”
2刘晓晨英语语言文学唐军On Passing Narratives in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Three Novels
3陈贞英语语言文学慕媛媛A Study on the Translation of Huizhou Residential Culture from the Perspective of Toury’s Translation Norms
4马香红英语语言文学王业昭A Study on the Racism in Thomas Dixon’s Reconstruction Trilogy: Cultural Hegemony Perspective
5童悦英语语言文学韩江洪A Study on the Translation Strategies of the Modern Revolutionary Peking Operas in the Chinese Literature (English Edition 1966-1976)

第二组 评委  孙志农 肖薇 范庆芬       秘书  李俊
时间:2019年5月22日下午14:00-21:50      地点:翡四教206
4杨雯婷外国语言学及应用语言学慕媛媛从文本经验识解看对外传播翻中的操纵改写 ——以徽州牌坊文化英译为例
第三组 评委  穆可娟 胡作友  李康熙   秘书  刘洋
时间:2019年5月22日下午14:00-21:50      地点:翡四教208
1徐荣荣英语笔译方媛媛《平方公里望远镜》中的科技词汇翻译 A Report on Translating Science and Technology Vocabulary in Square Kilometer Array
2罗阜庭英语笔译方媛媛步行:行走的历史》第一章翻译报告A translation report on Chapter 1 of On foot: a history of walking (excerpts)
3阮怀思英语笔译方媛媛《科技传播百科全书》(节选)翻译实践报告Report on the Translation of Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Communication (Excerpts )
4姚美玲英语笔译韩江洪《春牧场》(节选)翻译报告 A Translation Project Report of Spring Pasture(Excerpts)
5赵曼英语笔译韩江洪《进化美学》(节选)翻译实践报告Report on the Translation of Evolutionary Aesthetics(Excerpts )
6曹星英语笔译韩江洪《梦想现实》(第一至二章)翻译报告 A Translation Project Report for Dreaming Reality (Chapters 1—2)
7常荣荣英语笔译胡安琳《少女小渔》翻译报告 A report on the translation of Xiao Yu

第四组 评委  胡健  闵璇  慕媛媛    秘书   李为山
时间:2019年5月22日下午14:00-21:50      地点:翡四教210
1王兴英语笔译胡作友《家庭养老的弱化与出路:农村老年人养老居住安排研究》翻译报告 A Translation Report on Weakening and Upgrading of Family Support: A Study of Living Arrangement for the Elderly in Rural China
2常菲英语笔译胡作友中华武术技术的层次性解析 翻译报告A Translation Report on the Analysis of the Hierarchy of Chinese Wushu Techniques
3严园英语笔译胡作友《步行:行走的历史》第六章翻译报告 A Translation Project Report of On Foot: A History of Walking(Excerpts)
4叶青青英语笔译胡作友论人类认知的五个层级翻译报告 A Report on the translation of on five levels of human cognition
5王芹英语笔译张小曼《狼人印记》翻译报告A Report on the Translation of Brand of the Werewolf
6闵强英语笔译张小曼《中国开发区的转型与未来发展》翻译报告A Report on the Translation of The Transition and Future Development of China’s Development Zones
7吴翠琳英语笔译张小曼《罗斯波达克》前三章翻译报告A Report on Ross Poldark(The First Three Chapters)
8李宁英语笔译张小曼《家庭探访计划:预防暴力及促进幼儿健康发展》翻译报告 A Report on the Translation of Home Visitation Program: Preventing Violence and Promoting Healthy Early Child Development

第五组 评委  俞莲年   张小曼 方媛媛       秘书  康雷鸣
时间:2019年5月22日下午14:00-21:50      地点:翡四教301
2郑双双英语笔译闵璇文本类型理论在法律类翻译项目中的应用—《关于购买专业或顾问服务的协议》翻译实践报告 Application of Text Typology Theory in Legal Translation Projects-A Report on the Translation of Agreement for the Purchase of Professional or Consultancy Services
3胡婉玉英语笔译闵璇《美国经济的兴与衰——内战以来美国的生活水平》(节选)翻译报告A Translation Project Report On The Rise and Fall of American Growth: The U.S. Standard of Living since The Civil War (excerpts)
4周陶宇英语笔译黄川《马的传说》(第一章至第六章节选)翻译报告 A Translation Report on A Horse’s Tale(ChapterⅠ— Chapter Ⅵ)
5张越英语笔译黄川《人类记忆研究方法手册》(第三章)翻译报告Translation Report on Handbook of Research Methods in Human Memory (Chapter III)
6张琼林英语笔译慕媛媛计算机辅助下的药学许可协议翻译报告A Report on the Translation of a Pharmaceutical License Agreement with CAT Tools
7汪媛英语笔译汪晓莉《生命册》第一章翻译报告A Translation Report on A Book of Life(Chapter One)

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